Ghost Towns of Canada

Ghost Towns of Canada is a half-hour series looking at the remains of booming towns that once held promise for many people’s lives and ended up going bust.

Writer /  Director – Maureen Kelleher

The town’s namesake Billy Barker claimed that the gold nuggets in the area were as big as his fist. Now preserved as a heritage site, the town of Barkerville offers a journey back in time.
Ocean Falls
In the early 1980’s, the provincial government ended its subsidy of Ocean Falls in BC.  After the residents protested, the government demolished most of the town’s buildings and put an end to the dreams of people from Ocean Falls.
In the mid-80’s, INCO decided the company town of Creighton was too expensive to maintain and demolished it. Many residents who once lived in this thriving community question the true motives for destroying the town.
Depot  Harbour
In 1900, Depot Harbour had the brightest future of any town in Canada. But by 1930 it had outlived its purpose. On the last day of WW2, the town of Depot Harbour exited this world with a catastrophic BANG!
Silver Islet
This is the story of Canada’s most prosperous silver-mine and the life and death struggle the residents of Silver Islet waged against the stormy waters of Lake Superior.