
  • Best Film – Montreal Woman’s Film Festival, 1994
  • Best Film – Magdeburg Film Festival, Germany, 1994

Maureen Kelleher was a writer and associate producer of this award winning feature film / music mockumentary set in turbulent post-wall Berlin that celebrates people taking control of their lives rather than falling victim to the winds of change. 92 min Bl&Wh 16 mm

Jonnie is a half-black tomboy singer from Canada who has spent her life avoiding trouble. In Berlin she is trying to start up a new band but the new capital is suffering increasing racial tension and growing pains since the fall of the wall. Rising prices, housing shortages, and cut-throat speculation threaten the existence of Rock house where Jonnie and other local bands rehearse and record. The loss of their community could be the outcome.

Jonnie meets Erik, a sexy, street-wise Mr. Fix-It who is secretive about his subversive political activities. Although her lack of trust and fear of intimacy make it hard to commit, she nonetheless get involved with him.

As life gets complicated, Jonnie must decide whether to run from her troubles or confront them. In the battle to save Rock House, Jonnie attracts media attention which also provides an unexpected opportunity for Erik’s group to realize their political goals.

Jonnie’s decision to “stop reacting and start to act” as expressed in her rapabilly song, serves as a catalyst to those around her.

Trouble was produced by ZDF television in Germany and broadcast throughout Europe to critcal acclaim. It has also been screeened at festivals in Asia, Australia and North and South America.

“One of the very few films to ever credibly capture the internal dynamics of a rock group. The film sparkles with raw energy, street-wise sass, aided by urgent reggae and rap-tingled rock of Jonnie’s band Jellobelly.” In Press Magazine, Australia